
Here’s all the legal know-how your startup will ever need.

Founder lock-up
Bad news? Summer's almost over. Good news? We’re back with a new edition of our newsletter. Today, we’re highlighting another key investment term: founder lock-up. We bet you heard about it, but do you know why it’s so important for both founders and investors? Let’s get started.
Investor information rights
It's official - summer is in full swing. As you take a break from work (or sunbathing), dive with us into the topic of information rights provisions that you’ll find in your typical term sheet. Read on to see how these provisions work and why they matter to your startup
Investor voting rights
The last pre-summer newsletter is here - and with it some light food for thought to pair nicely with drinks on a beach. Today, we’re going to talk about how a typical term sheet deals with investor voting rights.
CloudTalk’s ESOP journey
min read
CloudTalk is a next generation calling software helping businesses connect with their customers. CloudTalk strongly believes that customer experience can give businesses a crucial competitive edge. It also believes that ESOP (Employee Stock Ownership Plan) is a key component to having a dedicated and engaged team.
Anti-dilution provisions
It’s May (already) - the temperatures are on the rise, the days are getting longer and we want to make sure you have enough food for thought to power through Q2. That’s why we’re back with a new edition of our newsletter dealing with anti-dilution provisions.
Your ultimate contracting cheat sheet for maximizing revenue
As a fresh startup founder, your main goal is to build a strong product and sell it to your customers. A little-known fact is that having the right legal documents in place can help you reach that goal faster. This blog post is dedicated to guiding you through the essential commercial contracts your startup needs to drive revenue.
EU's new cybersecurity directive: NIS 2
min read
The European Union has advanced its cybersecurity with the Network and Information Security (NIS 2) Directive, in effect since January 16, 2023. This update broadens the coverage of security protocols, affecting a wider range of sectors.
Design your own market-standard phantom ESOP
min read
Launching an ESOP is like climbing Mount Everest - most of the work has to be done before you begin the ascent. If you’re an early-stage startup from Czech or Slovakia, phantom (virtual) plan is likely a perfect fit for you.

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